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NUA: Fresh Perspective Facilitator's Guide (downloadable)


Product Description

This free NUA: Fresh Perspective Guide is a resource for facilitators using the NUA:Fresh Perspective video series. As you present the series to participants, use these step-by-step materials to inspire engagement along the way. We’ve designed the guide to give you as much support as possible. There are suggested questions, ideas for group activities, and even takeaways.

This guide is not meant to dictate the way you present NUA—we want you to make the experience your own. Take it, mold it, and make it work for your audience.

You’ll find that each session works in conjunction with the NUA journal, which gives participants space to complete activities and process their personal journey (sold separately).

To register for the free downloadable NUA: Fresh Perspective video series click here

Product Videos

NUA Trailer (01:21) NUA is all about exploration, it’s a film series that encourages questions, acknowledges doubt, and offers an engaging perspective on the Christian faith. 8 episodes 4 countries 50 locations 30 contributors 9 training videos Launching February 2017
  • NUA Trailer NUA is all about exploration, it’...

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