PrimeTime®Plus is a faith-based after school program ideal for outreach to middle school aged young people in your community. The program offers a safe and welcoming environment where young people have an opportunity to know and follow Jesus.
The ‘Following Jesus’ curriculum contains 40 lessons (including special material for holidays) and 10 take-home pages that help young people reflect on what they have been learning in their PrimeTime®Plus group. There is plenty of creative and interactive activity that leads to the Bible lesson. The lesson is wrapped up by explaining a key Bible verse to learn by heart. Each session ends with Talk Time, a time to discuss and reinforce the Bible lesson’s major objectives and an opportunity for young people to think about their responses.
This program is particularly useful for continuing outreach with young people who have ‘aged out’ of the PrimeTime® program designed for elementary aged children. The PrimeTime®Plus ‘Following Jesus’ curriculum follows the same syllabus as the PrimeTime® curriculum of the same title.
Also available in Printed Binder (which includes USB) here.